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The team

The FrancoFEST is organized by a team of professionals and volunteers who are lovers of the Francophone cultures. The Centre francophone Hamilton (CFH), a non-for-profit organization, has been involved in the development of this community and family event for over 35 years. 


After a name change in 2014, from Francofête to the FrancoFEST, it was decided that the circus theme would be the festival's new signature in order to stand out from other Francophone festivals in Ontario.

The objective is simple: to showcase a wide range of artists (singers, actors, acrobats, clowns...) from the francophone community in Canada and outside. A unique line-up with renowned artists and new talents from the current French-speaking scene is our festival's unique recipe. 


We wish to build a festival in Southern Ontario that involve a large number of local actors. The CFH team will again be supported this year by our festival committee composed of volunteers from Hamilton's Francophone community. 

The project
Screenshot 2019-04-25 at

The FrancoFEST is above all a collaborative project with a strong identity. Built around French-speaking cultures, the festival aims to promote interaction between francophones as well as conviviality, while showing the dynamism of its audiences and culture.


Driven by the desire to share the French-speaking artists with as many people as possible, the festival's programme draws its strength from the diversity of the arts presented and the originality of the artists performing : amateur as well as professional talents provide incredible shows each year. 


Building an audience that reflects the diversity of the Francophone and French-loving communities is another of the festival's objectives. Members of our community living in and around Hamilton come from all over the world. When they can gather for an event such as ours, it allows them to interact, meet with family and friends and have fun together. 


The FrancoFEST is unique thanks to its francophone line-up of a high quality, its welcoming atmosphere that bring together all community actors from the French-Speaking world, whoever they may be. 

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